Burn - Objectives

1. Describe the structure of the skin.

2. Identify the layers of the epidermis and describe the features of each layer.

3. Describe the functions of the skin.

4. Define shock. As part of your definition, discuss 4 different types of shock, describe symptoms of shock, and discuss treatment for shock.

5. Differentiate between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns.

6. Be able to determine the total body surface area burned using the Rule of Nines. 
7. Describe the systemic effects of a major burn to include the inflammatory response, sympathetic nervous system response and the basal metabolic response. Describe the effects of a major burn on the immune system, the kidneys, and the respiratory system.  
8. Describe the application of the use of stem cell therapy for burn patients. As part of your description:

1) Define stem cells.
2) Differentiate between pluripotent, multipotent, and unipotent stem cells.
3) List advantages and disadvantages of bone marrow stem cells, hair
follicle stem cells, and adipose stem cells for skin transplants.

9. Describe tests used to assess the condition of the burn patient to include:
A. Vital signs. Describe how core temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and
respirations are affected in a burn patient.
B. Laboratory tests:
1. CBC: Describe how WBCs, RBCs, and the Hct are affected by the
major burn of this patient.
2. Chemistry panel: Describe how the glucdose level, creatine kinase,
BUN, and protein levels are affected from the major burn.
3. Describe what carboxyhemoglobin is and how is might be
affected by smoke inhalation.

10. Describe treatment methods used for this burn patient to include:
A. Lactated Ringer’s
B. Mechanical Ventilation and Endotracheal Intubation
C. Foley Catheter
D. Chest X-ray
E. Debridement
F. Skin Grafting
G. Transfusion of Packed RBCs
Use the questions throughout the case to guide your study of the
treatment methods.

11.  Discuss the nutritional requirements of a burn patient.
12.  Define the following medical words:
From the case: tachypnea, tachycardia, stridor, edema, sepsis, nasogastric tube, contractures.
From “The Systemic Effects of Major Burns on the Body” in the Case Study Workbook: hypotension, oliguria.
13.  Describe the roles of the following health care professionals in the case:
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics
Respiratory Therapist
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Plastic Surgeon