CBC and Bone Marrow Results

After 6 weeks of Chemotherapy

CBC Results

  Patient Normal Values
WBC 2.4x10³/mm³ 3.9-10.0x10³/mm³
RBC 2.88x106/mm 4.40-5.90x106 /mm³
Hb 8.6 gm/dl 14-18 gm/dl
Hct 26% 38-52%
MCV 90 80-94 fl
MCH 30 pg 27-31 pg
MCHC 33 gm/dl 31-36 gm/dl
Platelets 79x10³/µL 150-400x10³/µL


Differential Results

  Patient Normal Value
Band   0-5%
Neutrophil 48% 54-62%
Lymphocyte 44% 20-40%
Monocyte 6% 4-10%
Eosinophil 2% 1-3%
Basophil   0-1%
Blasts   0%


The bone marrow aspirate showed normal precursor cells.


Instructor's Notes: As expected during chemotherapy, Noah's WBC, RBC, and platelet counts are still quite low. His differential and the bone marrow aspirate show that normal cell lines are returning.