Image Gallery

Karla, Yolanda, Christian and Eric at Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve.

Nest of a Snowy Plover at the mudflats of the  Shorelands Preserve.

A pair of Willets hang out near the water's edge.

3 little Canada goslings.

Rachael Walker and Christian Edwards at Saltair.

Dr. John Cavitt prepared for a busy day of field work.

The "Curlew Camera" set-up in the field.

After attaching a radio transmitter to a chick, Lindsay records the data.

A Pair of Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) at Ogden Bay.

Roger and Ed perform a vegetation survey at Farmington Bay.

Dr. Cavitt standing on his truck to help locate a recently radio banded chick at Farmington Bay.

A Snowy Plover trap at Shorelands Preserve.

Dr. John Cavitt scans the horizon for any signs of shorebirds.

A bunch of American Avocets at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

Dr. John Cavitt, and his coffee, pose with the (no longer used) hovercraft.

Can you find the Snowy Plover nest that the "Curlew Camera" is set-up to tape?

Here's the nest!

A foraging American Avocet

Young recruit for future avian field work.

Andy McFadden and Christian Edwards are building the famous McFadden-Edwards trap.

Working out the kinks of the McFadded-Edwards trap.

Christian shows Nic & Rachael how to measure a Snowy Plover.

Check out those bright red legs!

A view of Farmington Bay from Antelope Island State Park.

A Forester's Tern perches on one of the many duck nests established at Farmington Bay.

Andy McFadden is ready to try out his new trap.

The McFadden-Edwards trap is set-up and ready for action.

Bingo!!! The trap worked. Andy and Christian were able to capture and band an American Avocet.

Andy is at work taking measurements of the recently captured avocet.

An American Avocet being prepped for a radio transmitter by Jen.

Dr. Cavitt just releasing an American Avocet.

Carla and Yolanda set up a trap for catching Snowy Plovers.



Another young recruit for research in the avian field.

An adult Snowy Plover.

Jen Cary is going through aquatic invertebrate samples.


A flock of Avocets, with a couple of lone Stilts.

Male Ruddy Duck

Ed, Rachael and Nate performing a vegetation survey.
Dr. Cavitt, Yolanda, Karla, Christian & Spencer were banding Avocets & Stilts at Farmington Bay.
Yolanda performing a dissection.
Recently banded Black-neck Stilt chick.
A Large Family of Canada Geese.
A wood duck Aix sponsa.
A Stealthy Raccoon Taking Some Eggs from a Nest.