Health Sciences


Weber State University Health Sciences

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Answers to Case Questions

1.  Do not move the athlete. 
Do not remove the helmet. 
Do not use ammonia inhalants, which may cause the head to jerk from the noxious
Do not give liquids or food. 
Do not rush the evaluation. 
Do not worry about delaying the game. 

If the athlete is unresponsive, alert other medical personnel and coaches, and call for an
ambulance. The medical staff should then proceed with CPR steps as necessary. If the athlete is not breathing, start rescue breathing.

2.  Evaluate mental status, symptoms, mechanism of injury, rule out neck injury, give a physical exam of injured area, slowly have athlete sit up, reevaluate, help athlete walk to sidelines.

3.  The first responder at the scene of an athletic injury needs to be able to recognize a life-threatening condition, provide emergency care, and facilitate transportation to a medical facility when indicated. An orderly, logical primary assessment on the field can help identify serious conditions promptly and guide further evaluation and treatment. 

4.  Functions of ACL:
a.  Prevents tibia from sliding forward on femur
b.  Prevents undue internal rotation of the tibia related to the femur.

5.  An MRI scan is a radiology techniques using magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images of body structures.

6.  A radiology technician with a specialty in magnetic resonance imaging would perform the scan.

7.  The arthroscope is a small fiber-optic viewing instrument made up of a tiny lens, light
source and video camera. 

8.  Arthroscopic surgery makes it easier to examine, diagnose, and treat joint problems.  Surgery is less extensive, enables small incisions, shorter recovery time, and shorter hospital time.

9.  Reconstruction of the ACL begins with a small incision in the leg where small tunnels are drilled in the bone.  Next the new ACL is brought through these tunnels, and then secured. As healing occurs, the bone tunnels fill in to secure the tendon. 

10.  Electronic impulses stimulate the nerve axons signaling muscles to contract and relax.

11.  EMS increases blood flow to muscles, increases range of motion, increases muscle strength, as well as
enhances muscle endurance.

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