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For more information about how to become a partner, please contact the Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence today.
Call Us: 801-626-8844
or Email Us
About the Sales Center
The success of American business relies upon the effectiveness of its sales force. Many companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for sales training to help their teams be most productive. To remain competitive in the global economy, companies are seeking young people who have the skills and abilities to be effective salespeople. Imagine college graduates who are prepared to be powerful salespeople fully effective the day after graduation. Such a sales force regularly enters the work force from Weber State University’s Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence.
The Center and the Professional Sales Department promotes the philosophy that everyone needs to be able to sell regardless of their industry, profession or position; therefore, appealing to a wide variety of industries. The Center helps corporate America by providing thought leadership and dynamic virtual content and incorporating a new level of corporate sales training. The Center is the nexus of a community of learners and mentors in sales experience with a curricula and instruction for private and public institutions. It creates online resources, partners with industry to augment specific sales skill-sets, promotes the development of improved sales technology and theory-based techniques, and links sales students with experienced sales professionals and organizations.
New Facility Coming Soon!
The Alan E. Hall Sales Center for Excellence is under construction and is expected to be completed by March 2014. We invite you to see the floor plan and room renderings below.
The Sales Center will be used for student instruction and lectures, corporate training, student role-plays and interviews. The Sale Center facilities are available for corporate branding and sponsorship.