The laboratory results were consistent with
ketoacidosis (DKA) as a result of untreated insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Ali was admitted to the hospital where intravenous fluids were started to alleviate
dehydration. An insulin I.V. drip was also started.
15. Why do
untreated type I diabetics go into a state of ketoacidosis?
16. What are common symptoms of DKA?
17. What is the
most common cause of diabetes in children?
18. How does insulin affect glucose in the body?
19. What are the classic symptoms of diabetes?
20..What is the cause of each symptom?
21. How is
diabetes diagnosed?
The following morning Ali and her parents met with
a diabetes nurse educator. She explained that insulin is like a key that unlocks
the door to the cells in the body so that glucose can pass through. Ali's body had
destroyed the beta cells in her pancreas that make insulin,
so her body had not been getting any nutrients. High glucose levels in the
blood and the kidneys caused excessive fluid loss causing Ali's severe dehydration.
From now on, Ali would have to give insulin by shots. Ali practiced giving shots to
oranges, and even practiced on mom and dad. She also practiced testing her blood
sugar on a glucometer.
22. In what ways
is a nurse educator different than a traditional registered nurse?
Ali's next visitor was the endocrinologist.
He explained that they would be testing her blood sugar every two hours for the next day.
This would help him decide how much insulin she would need when she left the
hospital. Ali would be taking two insulin shots a day, before breakfast and dinner.
23. What type of
patient would an endocrinologist treat?