Health Sciences


Weber State University Health Sciences

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Acute Myocardial Infarction

1. Use the workbook and the internet sites listed on the online course to help

you define the essential components of heart anatomy and physiology to include:

a. the chambers of the heart

b. pathway of blood flow

c. coronary blood supply

d. conduction system of the heart

2. Differentiate between angina and myocardial infarction.

3.  Discuss the following options for failing hearts:
    a.  Heart transplant
    b.  Intra-aortic balloon device
    c.  Ventricular assist device

4. Define the following terms:

a. ischemia

b. arteriosclerosis

c. cholesterol and relationship to plaque formation

d. angina

e. hypertension

5. Outline and define the physiologic/pathophysiologic sequence of events

that lead to an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).

6. List the critical parameters of assessment and treatment emergency

responders (a paramedic or EMT) must perform when first attending to a

patient with an acute myocardial infarction.

7. List common symptoms in an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).

8. Describe the information each of the following tests provide an ER

(critical care) physician or cardiac specialist when presented with a patient

with a suspected AMI.

a. electrocardiogram

b. echocardiogram

c. creatine kinase (CPK-MB), LDH isoenzymes, troponin-1

9. Define the following as to their prevention or treatment of an AMI:

a. angiogram

b. angioplasty

c. coronary bypass surgery

d. beta blockers

e. thrombolytics such as heparin and streptokinase

f. aspirin

g. streptokinase

10. Describe the key roles the following health professionals provide in the

care of a patient with an acute heart attack:

a. EMT/Paramedics

b. Clinical laboratory personnel

c. Critical care (ER) physicians

d. Critical care and coronary care nurses

e. Radiologic technologists and cardiovascular technologists

f. Family physician (follow-up)

11. Briefly define procedures and medications that may be used to reduce the

mortality from an AMI. Define factors that influence treatment decision

making processes.

12. List the contributing factors in the patient's lifestyle that led to his first

heart attack. List reasonable changes that need to be made in the future to

reduce further episodes


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